South Australian Chapter of Signal Processing
 and Communications Societies

DSP for Communication System

The 3rd Workshop on the Internet, 

Telecommunications and Signal Processing


Adelaide, 20-22 December 2004


Photo Gallery

After the success of two previous Workshops, held in Wollongong in 2002 and Coolangatta in 2003, the Organising Committee decided to hold the 3rd Workshop on the Internet, Telecommunications and Signal Processing, WITSP'04 at Stamford Grand Hotel in Adelaide. 

The topics of interest ranged from those of the physical layer to the application layer through all aspects of the protocols and processes required for the future Internet to operate better and the applications to utilise the full potential offered by the current and the emerging networking infrastructure.

For further information please contact:

Assoc. Prof. T Wysocki

Fax: +61 2 4285 7576, E-mail:

Organising Committee

Arek Dadej, University of South Australia
Jennifer Seberry, University of Wollongong
Lang White, University of Adelaide
Beata Wysocki, University of Wollongong
Tadeusz Wysocki, University of Wollongong - Chairman
Hans-Juergen Zepernick, Western Australian Telecommunications Research Institute 

Technical Program Committee

Jean Armstrong, La Trobe University
Arek Dadej, University of South Australia
Mieso Denko, University of Guelph
Peter Farkas, Slovak Technical University
Alfred Mertins, University of Oldenburg
Jennifer Seberry, University of Wollongong
Miroslaw Slominski, Warsaw University of Technology
Lang White, University of Adelaide
Hamid Sharif, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Beata Wysocki, University of Wollongong
Tadeusz Wysocki, University of Wollongong
Hans-Juergen Zepernick, Western Australian Telecommunications Research Institute 

Related Events:

The 2004 International Workshop on Mobile Ad Hoc

AllConferences.Com:  Directory of Conferences, conventions, exhibits, seminars, workshops, events, trade shows and business meetings. Includes calendar, dates, location, web site, contact and registration information.


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